Well the day started out looking pretty wet and miserable, but with all our positive intent, we lifted the cloud and a beautiful cool day was had by the few who braved the ominous early rain.
Benny is back from his 3 months in America, all 'abuzz' with Obama, and his adventures over there.
The Chai Tent was 'up and at em' early ! with Michael and Ots there at 6.30, the tent was up, the flags were up, the Chai was ready, before 9.30 ! (lately it's been getting later and later, with one thing or another).
When we got there, all was ready, and I didn't have to do a thing, except put up my stall, which was nice and small, just a display and an outing for 'the hats'.
Just as well too, as my energy is quite low at the moment, with another heavy flow.
Here's Benny, getting his tight neck and shoulders worked on, receiving a much needed massage from our resident 'pop-in' masseurs, Branwen and QJ. Branwen is wearing her newly remade Gumnut Pixie Antenna to the Universe.

Later when the drummers started up, Benny climbed his Barrels and created a spontaneous piece of theatre, the energies gathered and built up, and later when it was very 'high', I entered into the dance, and physically, psychically, and ritually gathered in the combined energy, and sent it with full intent, down to our Brothers and Sisters,(Forest Defenders), in Southern Tasmania, who are in great need of support !
I received several SMS messages the night before from Rissah, back down in Tassie, living in the heart of Geeveston, (Gateway to the Southern Forests), saying she is living in a War Zone, amid unprecedented violence, she has to take great care going to the shop, and she Doesn't Go Out At Night !
People at the market had heard on the news, something about severe beatings and car bombings ???Not sure what's been going on fully, but it dosen't sound good. Tasmanian Loggers have been watching and learning from their mainland peers and subverting to violence. Not good !!!

Who 'Nose' what's going on ????

Long after the market stalls have packed up and gone home, they party on at The Chai Tent, as we pack up.

At this time of year we are graced with the beauty of the Jacaranda Trees, not indigenous to Australia, and now classified as a 'weed' here in Northern Rivers region. But oh so nice ! I just Love Jacarandas, they fill me with yummy-ness, the colour grabs me every time I see it. Soon I shall make a painting featuring them. Here at The Channon, there is this magnificent tree, and yesterday it was spectacular! Last year the November market was canceled due to heavy rains, so we missed seeing it's glory, but yesterday late afternoon, the light was wonderful.

It's a long job as everything needs to be washed and certain pots and pans have to be packed into the OLD trailer first. The order of packing is due to loading the trailer right, for the weight distribution. So it is not until 10.30 ish that we are packed and ready to leave. Sometimes a bit earlier, many times a lot later.

Usually we have music nearly all the way to the van doors being closed !! One day the 'Dream' is, to have a new purpose designed trailer, built to enable a much better functioning system. Michael gets very 'stressed ' at times with the inadequacies of the current trailer, and would so dearly love to build his design.
It would make taking the Chai Tent to functions such as The Tent Embassy in Canberra for Sovereignty Day, a much more feasible proposition !
Anyone feel like being a Benefactor, or do you know of someone who needs a good 'Community' effort to support